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The Biophysics Festival’24 will be hosted at University of Beira Interior between May 9th-10th 2024.

Congress venue: “Anfiteatro das Sessões Solenes” (Amphitheater of Solemn Sessions) in the Faculty of Sciences (Pole I) 

The congress venue is located in Covilhã at the heart of Cova da Beira Region. It could be reached by several public transportation modes and it has car parking spots available for congress atendees. Covilhã is a welcoming city that offers visitors a mighty landscape framed by Serra da Estrela, Serra da Gardunha, and the surrounding historic villages.


Feel free to take the opportunity to visit the city ( 


Photo by: José Dias

Location UBI_edited.jpg

​GPS coordinates: 40.27769127764918 ; -7.509205364841307

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