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PYBphy National Bursaries

PYBphy bursaries are awards funded by PYBphy to help MSc and PhD students, and early-career researchers (5 years after PhD conclusion) from Portugal to participate in the BIOPHYSICS FESTIVAL 2024 to be held in Covilhã, Portugal.


PYBphy will support 5 bursaries of €50 each. (Note: It is mandatory to submit an abstract to be eligible!)

National bursaries are only available to students/postdocs resident in Portugal.

Bursary Committee

Scientific Committee

Eligibility criteria

PYBphy bursary applicants must:
• Submit an abstract to the BIOPHYSICS FESTIVAL as first author
• Give proof of being a MSc or PhD student or postdoctoral researcher with no more than 5 years after receiving a PhD
• Be a member of a National Biophysics Society
• Be resident in Portugal



Assessment and notification


The applicants that submitted the 5 best abstracts (3 for oral communications and 2 for flash communications) as assessed by the Scientific Committe will be selected. Awardees of the PYBphy bursary applications will be notified via e-mail on April 12,2024.







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